While I’ve always gone to natural remedies like homeopathics and juicing, even essential oils over the years, it wasn’t until I started using a very high quality brand of essential oils that I completely embraced essential oils. This was because after three very personal and powerful health issues were resolved for me and my family I became convinced that they weren’t just “hippie oils” that I could use here and there.
I went from a skeptic to a firm believer in the efficacy of this brand of oils. After I embraced the oils, I began studying and researching then teaching classes and sharing with others. I now teach about health and wellness not just by using essential oils, but by eating whole foods, juicing, and reducing the toxic load on your body. Teaching health classes is something I can do along with my academic and pastoral teaching and I LOVE it.
I meet wonderful people who, like me are seeking but may be skeptical – and yet open if something really can work; and over and over again they find that these oils are DIFFERENT…and they really WORK! You can find more about my work with essential oils and helping others with a wellness mindset at:
Facebook.com/MyWellnessMindset and
Contact me today to host or attend a Wellness Mindset workshop.
Email: Jennifer@WellnessMindset.com