Rediscovering Dad…A Gift for Us All

August 15, 2024
Rediscovering Dad...A Gift for Us All

So, this is a super special episode of the Dwelling Richly podcast. I’ve been teasing you with hints about a surprise, and today, I’m finally spilling the beans.

My dad was a pastor, and growing up as a pastor’s kid gave me some amazing memories. Fast forward to 2024, both my parents have passed, and I found myself going through old boxes in the garage. Imagine my shock when I discovered a box of my dad’s old cassette tapes, recordings of his teachings from the early ’80s!

Despite some rat damage (gross, I know!), the tapes were miraculously intact. Hearing my dad’s voice again was beyond emotional. And get this—one series is called “How to Enjoy the Bible,” perfectly aligning with my current podcast series!

I’m working on digitizing these treasures so I can share them with you all. Stay tuned for these raw, heartfelt recordings. Thanks for being part of this journey with me. Can’t wait to share more soon! Listen to the story on this podcast episode and read more along with photos of my dad and the process of recovering the cassettes on my blog:

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Transcript Available “Bulletin” ⤴

Dwelling in the Word and letting the Word dwell in us richly is different than reading the Bible or reading a devotional with Bible passages. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and return the favor by dwelling in the Word – not “doing” Bible study, not simply reading – but moving into the Word with heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s being intentional in making a shift from treating the Word of God like a self-help book to letting it dwell in us as the living Word of God that it is.

This series with my Dad will include any of the teachings of his I am able to find, transfer, and make available. It’s important to know this: the greatest heritage we can leave our children is a love for and faith in God. My parents both did that. As I’ve listened to his messages I am reminded just how profoundly he influenced my own teaching to this day. The very fact that the focus of my blog is “Dwelling Richly” is directly because of the love my parents both had for God’s Word and the way the passed along that love to me and my sisters.

Questions about the Bible?

I’m working on a new series! “So Glad You Asked” which will take your questions about the Bible, living the Christian life, dealing with difficult situations/people/life issues, …really anything on your mind and I’ll share my thoughts and responses. I’d love to hear from you. No question is off-limits – Submit questions about this or any topic to or

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