1 John 3:11-24 || Ep. 913 – Dwelling in the Word

1 John 3:11-24 || Ep. 913 - Dwelling in the Word
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Bible Passage: 1 John 3:11-24

(There may be a silent section in the audio. Fast-forward or hang in there and the message will resume.)

🌟 You know, sometimes as Christians, we might overlook the simplest yet most profound practices. Today, we’re diving into the importance of letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly and returning the favor by dwelling in His word. But here’s the twist—this isn’t just about Bible study; it’s about loving the Word with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. 💖

And you know what? There’s one essential step that often goes unsaid: prayer. Yes, prayer before you dive into the Scriptures. It’s about opening your heart to the Holy Spirit and committing your time to the Lord. Imagine it as a warm greeting before a deep conversation. 🙏

In this episode, I share a personal story about how I almost missed this step today. It’s like walking up to someone and jumping into a conversation without saying hello! So, let’s be intentional. Before your fingers touch the pages of your Bible, pause, fold your hands, and pray. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, and reveal God’s heart to us. 🌿

Join me as we explore 1 John 3:11-24 together. Let the Word wash over you, invest in you, and transform you. And hey, don’t forget to pray before and after your study. It makes all the difference. 💫

I love hearing from you, so leave a comment or drop me an email with your thoughts and questions.  💌

Connect with me on my blog at www.JenniferGRichmond.com

Also, keep an eye out for our upcoming series, “So Glad You Asked,” where we’ll tackle your burning questions about the Bible and life. Submit your questions through the link below, and let’s dive deeper together. Thanks for being part of this amazing community. See below…

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Dwelling in the Word and letting the Word dwell in us richly is different than reading the Bible or reading a devotional with Bible passages. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and return the favor by dwelling in the Word – not “doing” Bible study, not simply reading – but moving into the Word with heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s being intentional in making a shift from treating the Word of God like a self-help book to letting it dwell in us as the living Word of God that it is.

Questions about the Bible?

I’m working on a new series! “So Glad You Asked” which will take your questions about the Bible, living the Christian life, dealing with difficult situations/people/life issues – really anything on your mind. Submit questions about this or any topic to DwellingRichly@gmail.com or https://www.jennifergrichmond.com/podcast/#question

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