Galatians 1:1-2:6 || The Gospel Reverses You, Not the Other Way Around

October 10, 2024

Book: Galatians

Bible Passage: Galatians 1:1-2:6

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The gospel is not just about tweaking a few behaviors but completely transforming us from the inside out? We’re diving deep into the book of Galatians and exploring how the gospel is designed to reverse us, not the other way around.

We often think we can figure things out on our own, right? Whether it’s trying to do better politically, culturally, or spiritually, each generation believes it can finally get it right. But history tells us a different story. As we unpack the message of Galatians, we’ll see how each attempt to create systems promising freedom often ends up leading to more control and bondage. And guess what? It’s the same with our spiritual lives.

Join me as we explore Paul’s powerful words and his own transformation by the gospel. His life, once dedicated to persecuting the church, became a testament to God’s grace and power, glorifying God through his radical change. Let’s challenge ourselves to not rationalize our positions but to truly embrace the gospel’s call to become new creations in Christ.

So, grab your Bible, maybe a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the transformative power of the gospel. Are you ready to let the gospel reverse you? 🌿

Listen or watch the message here or on

A Bible study You’ll Love

“Galatians: Free and Filled.” Sept-November, 2024 – a 12-week study through Galatians. Details/Register here.
Looking for the lessons? Get those here:

Dwelling in the Word and letting the Word dwell in us richly is different than reading the Bible or reading a devotional with Bible passages. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and return the favor by dwelling in the Word – not “doing” Bible study, not simply reading – but moving into the Word with heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s being intentional in making a shift from treating the Word of God like a self-help book to letting it dwell in us as the living Word of God that it is.

Questions about the Bible?

The new series, “So Glad You Asked” has launched! I’m taking your questions about the Bible, living the Christian life, dealing with difficult situations/people/life issues…really anything on your mind and I’ll share my thoughts and responses. I’d love to hear from you. No question is off-limits – Submit questions about this or any topic to or

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