Special Message: “How to Enjoy the Bible” is a recording from a Sunday School class my dad, Dave Garrett, taught at First Baptist Church of Newbury Park in 1981. This is part 4 in his series – I only have this one message. Look for new episodes from my dad’s messages on Mondays. August-October, 2024 in the message series: “Rediscovering Dad” right here or on the Dwelling Richly podcast.
I found several recordings of those messages and recovered them from the original cassettes to digital files in 2024 – interestingly, I was in the middle of teaching a series called “How to Study the Bible” when I recovered his messages! I wish I had all of his messages, but unfortunately, I only have a dozen. I will continue to recover and make his messages available and share them here on my podcast as a special series as well as on my website where you’ll also be able to read the transcripts and get other resources. I know you’ll be blessed by his teaching because he was faithful to “rightly divide the Word of Truth” and I know you’ll enjoy his humor and thoughtfulness as well.
This message explores how to enjoy the Bible by studying it inductively, rightly dividing the word of truth, and understanding its context. He emphasizes avoiding legalism and correctly interpreting scripture based on literary form, subject matter, times, and dispensations. A perfect word for us today as it was in 1981!
Read the blog post about how I found and got these recorded. You’ll also see the list of upcoming releases in the rest of this series, “Rediscovering Dad” – HERE
Listen to the exciting announcement about this treasure, finding my Dad’s messages – HERE
Listen to the Dwelling Richly podcast on YouTube, Apple, Spotify – your favorite app! Sharing, liking, commenting is a free and easy way for you to help me grow this ministry. I don’t charge for any content, don’t use any ads – so any organic interactions are really helpful. Thank you!
Transcript Available “Bulletin” ⤴
Dwelling in the Word and letting the Word dwell in us richly is different than reading the Bible or reading a devotional with Bible passages. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and return the favor by dwelling in the Word – not “doing” Bible study, not simply reading – but moving into the Word with heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s being intentional in making a shift from treating the Word of God like a self-help book to letting it dwell in us as the living Word of God that it is.
This series with my Dad will include any of the teachings of his I am able to find, transfer, and make available Mondays August through October of 2024.
It’s important to know this: the greatest heritage we can leave our children is a love for and faith in God. My parents both did that. As I’ve listened to his messages I am reminded just how profoundly he influenced my own teaching to this day. The very fact that the focus of my blog is “Dwelling Richly” is directly because of the love my parents both had for God’s Word and the way the passed along that love to me and my sisters.
Questions about the Bible?
I’m working on a new series! “So Glad You Asked” which will take your questions about the Bible, living the Christian life, dealing with difficult situations/people/life issues, …really anything on your mind and I’ll share my thoughts and responses. I’d love to hear from you. No question is off-limits – Submit questions about this or any topic to DwellingRichly@gmail.com or https://www.jennifergrichmond.com/podcast/#question
New Episodes of the Dwelling Richly podcast go out every week in the following series:
Sundays: “So Glad You Asked” (every other week)
Mondays: “Rediscovering Dad” (Aug-October, 2024)
Wed/Sat: “How to Study the Bible” (April-August, 2024)
Fridays: “Galatians: Free & Filled” from the Dwelling Richly Bible Study
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Hi – was it meant to cut off in mid-sentence?? So great to hear Dave!!!
I’m not sure. I’ll have to review the recording. It might have gotten cut off in the original or maybe when I remastered it. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look into it and hopefuly it was user error (me!) and I’ll re-share the message with the full content.