Remember that light and uplifting song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands?” We sang those verses joyfully in Sunday School and around the fire at many camps. It’s a beautiful and biblical thought. God does have the whole world in his hands…from the “itty bitty baby to you and me, sister!”
The same hands that hold and protect us in the world are the same hands in whom those who trample, profane, and outrage the Spirit of grace will find no happy campfire song moment. Rather, they will find that God is righteous and his righteousness allows for justice as well as mercy.
While unwilling that any should perish, a day will come and is appointed for each, to face judgment.
When that day comes, you’ll either face God with Jesus as your mediator or face Him on your own merits (Hint: they’ve already declared are as good as filthy rags.) So, don’t miss this truth, sister: time will pass. It may seem like forever, and some might think that God isn’t going to return after all, but no matter how long it takes, the Lord doesn’t count time as you do. That day will come, and it will sneak up on people like a thief. What we know will be gone. Everything, every decision, every action will be exposed and the truth will reveal who was truly a follower of Christ.
Today is the day to get right and see his hand beckon, “Come you who are blessed” or get left and see His hand point away, “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire.”
This is a heavy passage. There is no getting around that. Every now and then we need to revisit this. It’s always in the back of our mind that God’s hand of judgment is sure, but we wake up in the morning we’re looking for the encouraging word to give us a boost for the day, right? “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We look to the Word for a “Go get ‘em, tiger!” sort of pep talk. I think often times we need to get down to the raw truth of God’s Word and remember that this is going to wrap up, and it’s going to wrap up well for those who have received Christ and embraced Him and it’s going to wrap up terribly for those who reject Christ and have trampled upon Him.
Not only should that adjust our thinking in the day in terms of our hopefulness and eternal perspective, it should light a fire under us as we consider those in our lives who are continuing to reject Jesus, continuing to trample Him under foot, continuing to either have outright disdain for Him or just have an apathy toward Him, “Jesus? I’ll take care of that later.”
What if today was the day that you said, “I’m going to commit to praying for those in my life who are rejecting Him.”?
What if you commit to praying and fasting and really make it serious and say, “God, I come before you now. I have people in my life that are still rejecting you. They need to hear and respond to you! I don’t want to waste another minute.” Maybe these are people who even claim the name of Jesus but they’re living in a such a way that tramples Him underfoot because they’re not living how Christ has called us to live. Christ has called us to look after the orphans, the widows, the single moms in their distress. God has called us to be a witness to those. If you have people in your life who are trampling underfoot that message, they’re trampling underfoot Jesus Christ! They’re rejecting what Christ has given them. I would suggest that there is no true regeneration in their spirit because no one who is truly regenerate, no one who truly loves Jesus would live like that consistently without repenting.
Let’s be on our knees today. Let’s be praying for one another that we would completely take seriously the call of God in our life, that we would never trample, disdain, put aside, neglect the assembly together.
Let’s be passionate about those in our life who are still missing the truth of the Gospel, who still need to hear His love, His love, His grace. Let’s not just move about out day feeling sorry for ourselves about what we’re dealing with and going through. Let’s feel sorry right now for those who are going to go to Hell who will be the “sinners in the hands of an angry God” in the end.
Let’s be grateful for the mercy of God in our own life. He did call us. He did give us a renewed spirit. Pray for those who need that reminder…and maybe it’s you. Maybe you’ve been trampling underfoot God because you’ve been rushing through your day treating your relationship with Him like just another item on your to-do list. You’re not really coming together to spur one another on to love and good works. God says, “Don’t do that! Don’t be like that. That’s not evidence of a regenerated spirit.”
Let’s be about that as women together as a true community in Christ. Let’s be about the true call of the gospel today.
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