I don’t think there’s any occasion like Christmas that swirls with as much hope and expectation…and there’s definitely no time as magical as Christmas morning for a child. As a child you go to bed and the tree is lit with a few presents tucked around the skirt and stockings hung limply by the fire then when you wake up the tree is mystically brighter, the gifts have miraculously multiplied, the stockings are more stuffed than a turkey, and even in warm California, there’s an excitement makes the air feel crisp and fresh with expectation.
Expectation is why we love that movie, “A Christmas Story” with Ralphie hoping and wishing and plotting and dreaming for his Red Rider BB Gun only to have his hopes dashed in the form of ridiculous pink bunny pajamas. We’re hoping with him, laughing at him, and remembering what it’s like to want something so badly. Of course, Ralphie does get that gun and of course, he almost shoots his eye out…but it’s the longing and expectations that make that story so relatable…
At the very center of our heart is expectation, hope, longing…longing for the perfect Christmas, the perfect family get together, the perfect gifts, and the perfect memories. We were created for longing. We were designed with expectation. In this season as we enjoy the holiday visits we, like Ralphie, have expectations. We want family to come together in peace, we hope for little things like good food and bigger things like health. We want our homes to look just right and our get-togethers to feel just so…and while we may get all we hope for we should all the more be mindful of the truth that no longing, no hope, no expectation will ever satisfy outside of the ultimate hope and expectations met in the one to whom we sing…The one about whom Simeon had waited his entire life to say,
“…for my eyes have seen your salvation
that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and for glory to your people Israel.”
And the one that Anna the prophetess gave thanks to God for and spoke of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
We’re all waiting for things to be right, relationships to be whole, bodies to be healed, peace to come on earth. Unlike any Christmas gift we could long for, the gift of Jesus Christ meets and exceeds all expectations. Consider that and thank Him for the true healing, hope, and peace that He brings to our expectant hearts.
As simple as it may feel to your heart today, I pray that you will see the power in thanking God for His Son who is “the heir of all things, who created the world and is the radiance of His glory and the exact imprint of His nature.” We have expectations outside of God that leave us with deep longings, so I pray you will confess that God alone can meet the longing of your heart, that you will understand that it is He who upholds the universe and your own small lives. God has met our expectations and we just need to breathe deeply that truth as we let go of anything or anyone who keeps us from seeing Him.
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
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