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Exodus: Sept-November, 2023
Leviticus: Jan-Feb, 2024
Numbers: Feb-March, 2024
Deuteronomy: March 26 or 27-April 23 or 24
Tuesdays 6pm, Wednesdays 10am or 6pm
In person* or online every other week through April 2024
READY TO START? Register HERE then get the Church Center app, add La Mirada Church, and look for the Dwelling Richly Bible study group.
*La Mirada Church
We began the Torah – the first five books of the Bible – with the Genesis study in 2021. In the “Saved & Set Apart” Dwelling Richly study we will dwell through the rest of the books written by Moses – Exodus-Deuteronomy which will take us from where Genesis ends – Egypt – and move us through to the edge of Jordan River looking over into the Promised Land.
We say “book” of the Bible, but actually, the writings of Moses as instructed by God and were recorded on scrolls by Moses’ own hand and by God’s own hand as well as He wrote on the tablet of stone! In the New Testament, the letters (epistles) that Paul wrote had his instructions and exortations on how to live a life pleasing to God as a Christian. The books recorded by Moses were written to the first church – God’s “called out” people – and they were also written so the people would know how to live a life pleasing to God. Also, like Paul’s letters, these books are personal and powerful. Paul loved the members of his churches, but they were dealing with bad behavior and bad theology, and he was passionate about getting them back on track – this is exactly what we read in the books of Moses!
We’ll cover some very familiar passages – well, let’s say, “famous” passages. The stories we’ll read – Moses as a baby in a basket, Moses confronting Pharaoh, the Ten Plagues, Crossing the Red Sea may seem “familiar” perhaps because you’ve seen the movies, but I think you’ll be excited to learn so much more – even unlearn some things!
As we study, I know you’ll be encouraged, challenged, and even convicted in your own life. There’s some touchy subjects that hit close to home as well as issues that we may feel are controversial, especially in light of how we may think it’s ok to behave today. As we study we want to be sure to allow the Holy Spirit to help us see and understand the truth that God has for us and be aware of any strongholds in bad behavior and theology we may be clinging to.
As always, I write the Dwelling Richly studies with a desire that we wouldn’t just “do” Bible study but would truly “let the Word of Christ dwell” in us richly. No matter where you are in this season of life, you will find this study will help you grow in your faith and guide you in developing good habits as a maturing follower of Jesus Christ.
Below are some details about how this study is organized as well as links to resources you’ll want to use.
Excited to begin? Can’t wait for the next lesson? Here’s a list of resources to enrich your studies:
- Bible Project I love all things “Bible Project” Their resources are wonderfully helpful. You should also check out their website – fabulous resource!
- The Life Application Chronological Bible, New Living Translation – An excellent way to approach Bible study is to read the accounts in the order they occurred.
- I have a complete list on Amazon of several resources for this study as well as Bible study in general. If you don’t shop on Amazon, you can view the list and purchase elsewhere. The Dwelling Richly list on Amazon
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