from Colossians 3:16
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly .” What a difference it makes when we don’t “do” Bible study – but let His Word dwell in us richly!
When God’s Word dwells in us, everything in life aligns. There’s a joy – a centering and anchoring sense about how you move and engage. Everything flows beautifully from a life that is filled with God’s living Word.
Current Bible Study/Podcast Series: “Joshua: Strong & Courageous” – January-April, 2025
Galatians: Free & Filled
“How to Study the Bible”, May-August 2024
“So Glad You Asked”
Exodus-Deuteronomy: Saved & Set Apart
Previous Studies
The Dwelling Richly Podcast
Messages from my Dad
Calendar Podcast, Speaking, and other events
What is Dwelling Richly Community Bible Study? —
Find answers to the big life questions, grow in community, and gain wisdom with others, all while flourishing in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Dwelling Richly study is a community where we spend time in personal Bible study during the week with questions that help us learn to study and understand the Bible and God’s design for our lives. We meet every other week in person or online in small groups to share and discuss what we’ve read.
We then have a time of teaching and open question and response in the larger group. The Bible was written for us to know God and to then apply that understanding to our lives.
The Dwelling Richly study was inspired by Colossians 3:16, that we should not just read the Bible, not just listen to someone else teach it, but that we should “let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
- Verse-by-verse, inductive, Bible study
- Prioritizing thoughtful engagement in the Word
- An invitation to first know the Word in context then see how God is revealed and how we can know the character of God.
- After that, we look at what that message was intended to communicate to its original audience
- Consider how God’s Word impacts our thinking and how we live out the Gospel in our life.
Who is DRCBS for? — DRCBS is for anyone from any church or no church at all – all denominations and backgrounds – We come together for a time of fellowship and teaching. We have fun and learn a ton together in God’s Word.
Because we offer in-person as well as online groups, you can join from any church and anywhere! We have groups across the US in our studies! If you’d like to start a Dwelling Richly group in your area – CONTACT ME TODAY
Dwelling Richly is where we understand first what the Word means, then what it means to us personally.
What’s the Goal? — The goal of each Dwelling Richly study is in the name – to literally dwell richly in the Word and let the Word dwell in us. So, each study gives us time to read, write, consider, meditate, memorize, engage, share, and create with the Word.
We “have fun and learn a ton” because it’s not just a “Q & A” style study. It’s an invitation to love and enjoy God’s Word in a way that includes your personality and gifting.
Scripture passages are not printed out in the lessons. Instead, I ask that you get your Bible out and read right from your own Bible – and read from several translations: English Standard, New International, New American Standard, King James, etc.
What can I Expect? — Each day of every lesson opens with a time of prayer, then we write a key passage, then we memorize, then we move in and meditate on the Word. I’ve written the Dwelling Richly studies to give you a structure to your time in the Word. I’ve also written the studies in such a way that as you go through each lesson, you’ll learn how to approach the word so that you will develop skills that will equip you to study better on your own.
How Can I Get a Study? — Register to attend the current study online or in-person – scroll down for the register button. Or, if you would like to do the study at a different time on your own or with a group of friends, simply click the study you’re interested in and purchase a downloadable copy or a printed book that will be mailed to you.
You can donate here on PayPal or here on Venmo.
IN-PERSON – We meet at La Mirada Church or a group near you
ONLINE – Join a Zoom study for small-group fellowship time facilitated by one of our Bible study leaders.
Follow and connect on YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and the Dwelling Richly Podcast (available on any podcasting app)
Scroll down and see how to join the current Bible study!