A collection of devotionals to give you time in the Word 5-15 minutes a day. Each devotional is connected to an audio or video message so you can read the Word, listen to the message, meditate, and engage with Scripture….and, as always, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
“Devotionals? What?! I’ve always heard you say that we should, “Ditch the devotionals!'”
Correct. I still say #DitchTheDevotional if…
- You are not already having personal time in the Word with a Bible study of some kind
- The devotional is light on Scripture and heavy on thoughts, stories, anecdotes, and cute photos
You won’t ditch Dwelling Richly Devotionals! They are…
- deeply rooted in Scripture
- based on a larger passage from the Word that you can engage with the message or Bible study
- designed for you to think through the passage and have very little-if any-commentary, story, or anecdotes from me – and I don’t have time to find cute photos…yet. 😉
- connected either to a Bible study, a sermon, or a podcast giving you even more ways to dwell deeply in the Word.
- truly devotional-not ditchable! You will love how these get you into God’s Word – not man’s word.
So far, I have three devotionals. They are available on the message page for each of these passages. You’ll be able to listen to that message, read the blog, and now – dig deeper with the accompanying devotional. Come back here as I add more or search “Devotionals” on the website and you’ll find one! Enjoy!
- Psalm 119:1-8 – Message / Devotional
- Psalm 119:25-32 – Message / Devotional
- Psalm 119:129-136 – Message / Devotional
- John 13:1-21 – Message / Devotional
More to come! Please share! Leave a comment… thank you!
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