The “Bible + coffee mug” moment is more than a trend—it’s a reset. A reminder that God shows up in stillness, simplicity, and warm, hopeful sips
Avgolemono – Lemon Chicken Soup
Avgolemono is a lemon chicken soup you’ll love as a new family favorite. It takes less than 30 minutes to cook up! Here’s my super simple recipe. Leave a comment and a review below. I’d love to hear how you liked this yummy soup! Share and tag me @JenniferGRichmond #JGRBlog and let’s see your photos too. Happy Cooking!
SGYA: What happened to the “Book of Jashar”?
Did God Lose a Book?
Have you ever noticed that the Bible mentions books we don’t have today? 🤔 The Book of Jashar is one of them! It was a collection of poetry that recorded Israel’s victories, and it’s quoted in Joshua and 2 Samuel. But why didn’t God preserve it?
Kumquat Appetizer
This is the quickest, funnest, cutest little appetizer you’ve never made… and you’ll love, love, love! Kumquats are a cute and sadly ignored little citrus that I hope you’ll come to love and enjoy! Kumquat means “golden orange” in Chinese. They’re about the size of a large grape, but instead of a burst of sweet, they fill your mouth with a delicious sweet-tart citrus flavor…like an orange and a lemon had a baby. They are native to China and now you can…
When You Feel Sad
When you feel sad – Remember what is true…
Easiest One-Pot Chili
This is seriously the Easiest one-pot Chili with the Yummiest results. If you can dump, stir, wait…you can make this! It’s also easy to make as a veggie version!
A Different Kind of Home
Chicken Pot Pie
The thing I love most about chicken pot pie is having the perfect ratio of a flaky, salty, yummy pie crust to the savory filling…I think this pie recipe nails it – in my humble little opinion. I prefer to make this in individual oven-safe bowls to get the crust to pie ratio even better.
The Best that I Can Do
Easy Cheesy No Kneady Bread
This recipe couldn’t be more simple. I’m not sure if there is a bigger payoff for such simple effort.
There’s a lot of recipes floating around the interwebs. The benefit of mine is that you don’t have to swipe through a bunch of ads to read it. I don’t make any cheddar selling ad space on this blog. I probably should. But for now, it’s all yours for free. Enjoy!
How to Love the Bible
Do you love the Bible? Not just read or study it, but truly treasure it? In our study of Joshua, we’re learning to make God’s Word more than a textbook—it’s the steady, life-giving light that transforms us. Discover practical ways to let Scripture dwell richly in your heart, and fall in love with the Author as you spend time with His message. Whether you’re new to Bible study or seeking a deeper connection, this post will inspire you to make a home for God’s Word in your life.
Your New Favorite Beef Stroganoff
You will love my super simple and incredibly tasty Beef Stroganoff recipe! No ads. No long stories. Just a tested and approved family recipe that you will really enjoy! I promise!
Resolutions without Regrets
365 days from today what will you want to say about what you did in 2022? What about who you became? about how you lived? What if, in front of the diet plans, or workouts, or reading books, or flossing, we made our resolution to ask God to give us wisdom in what we all already know…life is short – how do we live it well?
January has a Sound
Christmas has a sound, so does New Year’s Eve – what about January?
Galatians: Free and Filled Lessons
The gospel is not just about tweaking a few behaviors but completely transforming us from the inside out? We’re diving deep into the book of Galatians and exploring how the gospel is designed to reverse us, not the other way around.
We often think we can figure things out on our own, right? Whether it’s trying to do better politically, culturally, or spiritually, each generation believes it can finally get it right. But history tells us a different story. As we unpack the message of Galatians, we’ll see how each attempt to create systems promising freedom often ends up leading to more control and bondage. And guess what? It’s the same with our spiritual lives.
Join me as we explore Paul’s powerful words and his own transformation by the gospel. His life, once dedicated to persecuting the church, became a testament to God’s grace and power, glorifying God through his radical change. Let’s challenge ourselves to not rationalize our positions but to truly embrace the gospel’s call to become new creations in Christ.
When You Need Refreshment
Consider ‘mayim’—living water—and how immersing yourself in God’s word can revive your spirit. Hungry for a deeper connection with God? This episode on Psalm 119:97-104 will inspire you to meditate on His word and experience its life-changing power. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or just beginning your spiritual journey, this podcast will encourage you to grow in wisdom and understanding. #DwellingRichly #HowToStudytheBible #Psalm119 #Podcast #blog
Living a Faith-Filled Life in a Fear-Filled World
For God has not given me a spirit of fear – and He has not given me your gifts or calling – He’s given me a spirit to live out the calling He’s given me and he’s given me a spirit of power and of love and a sound mind. And I will live in that power and I will act in that love and I will honor God with my mind as I love him with my heart soul and strength.
Is it OK to be Done Peopling?
Show Me Your Glory
When in the foggy view of life our cry is heard, God sees, He knows…we can come to Him and say, “Show Me Your glory” and He will answer…
The Cure for Anxiety?
What’s the call of this world? …Experience the Dream! Have it all! You deserve it! We are told to taste and see that the world is good but when we go beyond a few licks we, like the Tootsie Pop Owl, find that it’s all gone too soon and leaves us unsatisfied.
Getting Better at Bible Study
“One way to cultivate a deep connection with Scripture is by making ‘hyperlinks’ in your mind between different passages. The Bible is full of these connections, and when we take the time to find them, we not only enrich our understanding but also strengthen our memory of God’s Word.”
Dwelling Richly Devotionals
“Devotionals? What?! I’ve always heard you say that we should, “Ditch the devotionals!'”
Correct. I still say that, but – you’re not going to need to ditch these! Read on…
Eyes that Long for God
Do you approach your Bible study with boldness and expectation? Psalm 119:121-128 reminds us to long for God’s salvation like a kid waiting for the ice cream truck—knowing something good is coming! Join me as we explore how to love God’s Word, hate what’s false, and live out His truth boldly in our relationships and church community.
Hope, Hate, and Holding On
I don’t think any of us would describe our faith as “double-minded” but maybe we can be. We’re taking a look at Psalm 119 to help us check our heart and look for any possible double-mindedness. Wholehearted commitment to God’s Word – no wavering. That’s what we want. Unwavering faith, hope in God’s promises, and seeking His support. This blog post is from the “How to Study the Bible” podcast series. Read here and listen to the full episode on the Dwelling Richly podcast.
Do I Take God’s Word Seriously?
The post reflects on Psalm 119:105-112, emphasizing the importance of God’s Word as guidance and a heritage. The psalmist’s oath to keep God’s rules highlights a deep commitment. It encourages readers to take Scripture seriously, suggesting practical steps for deeper engagement and inviting them to the “Dwelling Richly” podcast for further exploration.
SGYA: “The Dead Rise First?”
The post addresses a perceived contradiction between 1 Thessalonians 4:16, which says “the dead in Christ shall rise first,” and 2 Corinthians 5:8, where Paul states “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” It clarifies that when believers die, their souls are immediately with Jesus, but their bodies await resurrection at Christ’s return.
When God Disciplines Me
“Have you ever considered that the challenges in your life might be God’s way of guiding you back to His word? Discover the surprising value of His discipline in this episode…
Rediscovering Dad
I’ve been teasing you with hints about a surprise, and today, I’m finally spilling the beans. My dad was a pastor, and growing up as a pastor’s kid gave me some amazing memories. Fast forward to 2024, both my parents have passed, and I found myself going through old boxes in the garage. Imagine my shock when I discovered a box of my dad’s old cassette tapes, recordings of his teachings from the early ’80s!…”My dad’s voice transported over the sound waves and over the years – 43 years, to be exact. I heard him – the years had worn out the audio making his voice a little different than his deep natural voice – but that was him – I recognized the intonation, the cadence, even the lilt and funny way he joked – that’s my dad. THAT’S MY DAD….” [continue reading]
Stay Tuned.
Stay tuned. Follow my posts here on the blog. Follow the Dwelling Richly podcast wherever you listen. I’ll be updating with the news tomorrow.
The Power of Delight
Maybe we study the Bible. Maybe memorize it…read it through in a year…sit and learn as a pastor teaches from it…but this week I was challenged again to dwell and even more, to delight in the Word. Enjoy this short blog post and be encouraged to see the power when you actually delight in God’s Word. It changed me – truly. I pray it will change you as well…
Am I Loving or Using God?
Why God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Have you ever had a narrow escape? The kind when you gasp almost cartoon-like with relief because you made it there safely, made it out without incident, or just in the nick of time? An overwhelming feeling of delight comes over you as you breathe out an exaggerated “Phew!” You look around and think about…[2 min. left]
Sweet Pepper Coleslaw
Light, refreshing, healthy – with protein and healthy carbs, this is your new favorite coleslaw…Click here for the full recipe and make it today! Leave a comment and let me know what you think! Tag #JGRBlog when post yours on social. I’d love to see your version! Enjoy!
Seven Prayers When You Feel Broken
On My Way to a Funeral
Swallowed by my thoughts and sort of lost in the flow of cars humming past me – the movement of traffic coming from behind and the cars in the lanes beside me I wondered, as I glanced around, through windows, is everyone going to his funeral?
Letter to a Grieving Friend
My heart has been aching for you during this time. It’s so hard, and I can understand feeling angry as well as so sad. The grief can overwhelm you at times and you feel swallowed up by it. I relate. I relate to the anger and the sadness and the weight of grief as it lays on you and clouds your days. I relate to the questions and heaviness.
I relate to the constant “Am I evers” that roll over my mind again and again…
How to Get Into the Word
You want to be in the Word – but how? You head to your Bible…then what? You open to a book and feel a little lost…what next?
Reading the Bible and making the most of your time in the Word is a beautiful goal. This podcast is all about letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and returning the favor in a sense by dwelling in the Word – not “doing” Bible study, not simply reading – but really moving into the Word with heart, soul, mind, and strength. It’s being intentional in making a shift from treating the Word of God like a self-help book to letting it dwell in us as the living Word of God that it is.
I’m excited to teach through the Word in this new series “Dwelling in the Word.” Each episode will focus on how to read the Bible and even how not to read the Bible.
Ten minutes a day. Three times a week. A simple, Scripture-based podcast series to encourage and strengthen you.
Women Can
Women can, but exactly what they can do is the question. Can women teach in the church? Preach? What are women’s roles in Christian ministry? Should women have the same roles as men? This is the beginning of a new blog series as I share my own journey from complementarian to egalitarian while remaining orthodox and evangelical in my theology. It’s an important topic. It’s a personal topic. I encourage you to think and engage and maybe even join me in this journey.
Loved. Missed. Prayed for.
A year from now, you will never, ever say, “I wish I hadn’t gone back to church.”
Let this be the beginning of a new year when you are back and right and satisfied again fully in His love for you…and sharing that love with His family! We have missed that time with you! You will be welcomed and you will definitely welcome the love, the hugs, the community, and fellowship of the body of Christ into your regular life – no more saving it for “special occasions.” No more excuses. No more waiting until life settles down and you get caught up on laundry, work, weeds, bills…just go.
You are someone’s LMP- you are definitely my LMP…loved, missed, and prayed for. I hope to see you Sunday.
Faith Beyond Feelings
[excerpt] “…and while salvation did come and has come – for those people gathered, shouting, and hopeful – only a few days later that very fickle crowd turned their hosannas to crucify Him. Led by their emotions rather than the truth – they knew the prophecies, they had seen his miracles, they had a true reason to believe – rather than trusting they shifted and went with the momentary solidarity with the louder voices, the stronger presence, what appeared to be the mightier leaders – and aren’t we tempted to be the same? – Read the rest…
You Can Trust God
Seven years of longing, infertility, prayers…How God showed His faithfulness with a side helping of delight and joy
What Am I Doing Here?
The key to that future rests not in wondering if God will be faithful – He’s proven over and again His faithfulness – the key will rest in their obedience and…
He Gets Us
As wonderful as it is to hear the name of Jesus proclaimed before millions around the world, it is a tragic loss if the true Jesus is replaced with man who “gets us.”
How to Fit Bible Study into Your Already Busy Schedule
Confessions of an Undisciplined Woman
I’d like to be one of those people who awakens each day, cozies up with some coffee, brings out their adorable journal and special pen, and reads the Word in the peaceful early morning hours when the world is still tucked into bed and the sun is gently warming the earth – yeah, but, nope. Unless I’m in a group, accountable to others I tend to just have that cup of coffee and leave the spiritual, thoughtful journaling and meditating to those who are more disciplined than me.
Fear, Faith, and the Fourth Grade Spelling Bee
Why Does God Allow Evil?
This was a challenging message for me to share – it may be challenging to read. It’s timely, because, honestly, we’re in pain. We are questioning and wondering how is it possible that a “good” God could just let so much evil continue. Innocent children brutalized, crime rampant, racism, disease…why doesn’t God step in? I spent a great deal of time thinking and praying and providing here what I believe it a compassionate response to that answer. But more importantly, a response that I believe is supported by the Word of God. You can read or listen to the message on my YouTube channel or listen along on the Dwelling Richly podcast. If God is all powerful, all knowing and all good, why does he let so many bad things happen. It would be one thing, if the only people who suffered were the clearly evil people, right? …mass murderers, violent dictators, slave traders, but innocent babies suffer, and children starve to death and why? Why does God allow evil? If he was all good, he would stop it. If he was all powerful, he could stop it. So why doesn’t he? It’s not a new question, but it’s a difficult one.
Because the challenge is that like all objections to faith in God, and in Christianity in particular, this isn’t just an intellectual dilemma, is it? We can’t just offer some logical philosophical answer, while we sit together on a bench and just discuss it over a latte. Because the issue of evil doesn’t just hit our minds. It’s in our hearts. And it doesn’t sit lightly there. It stabs us. It shakes us. It pains us when we see, and we feel the weight of the evil that’s around us. And some people will never come to terms with this. And it ends right there in their pain, and they leave God. And many won’t even ask the hard question, because honestly, they’re afraid of the final answer. Or they don’t want to sound unfaithful. Because what if you get to the end of the answer, and you find out God just doesn’t care? Or what if you ask why? And you get an answer, like, “You just have to have faith.”
Moving in on this topic, may bring a pain in our hearts and hearts will ache because there isn’t anyone hearing my voice today who’s hasn’t been touched by evil. But we’re going to ask, and I hope that you’ll find at the end some hope and answers for yourself or to share with a loved one…
Farm to Table and Counting the Cost
It’s lovely to be saved – it’s meaningful to know the cost. I take care to appreciate in any way I can the cost of the meal I enjoy at my dinner table – to not allow the distance between me and the farm create a dull lack of gratitude. In the same way…
Saved & Set Apart
In a world where people – even Christians – prioritize fulfilling their personal needs, this study will help us transform the way we think and behave so we can live a life truly blessed by God and as a blessing to others. Our study will take us verse-by-verse through the life of Moses covering the books of Exodus through Deuteronomy.
How Can I Keep From Singing?
…a song of remembrance of delight and appreciation…pointing others to the joy of being free because of God’s great, unmatched power and reckless love.
Getting to Know You
The Bible is God’s “Getting to Know Me” song. It is God revealing Himself to us one note and chorus as a time…one moment, one miracle, one festival, one deliverance, one sacrifice, one demonstration of salvation at a time…who is He?
Chill: Rethinking Rest & Stress (2023)
God has designed us for rest, renewal, reviving – chilling out! He literally put it into the design of the creation when he breathed mankind into existence. But, we continue to miss that rest, struggle to renew, feel trapped, stuck, and often overwhelmed. This study will help you rediscover the rest that God intended.
Each lesson is designed to focus on an aspect that will help us find our chill even when life won’t let us stop. We can be busy and still chill. We can be pushed to the limit…and still chill. We can rush, and plan, and do and go and still in the middle of it all find the rest and anchor in the God who created us for chilling.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
August 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day so this is dedicated to my Grandma Garrett whose home was always filled with the best aromas – especially cookies.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Today
Pain is a funny thing. Odd how it can bring us to our knees and make us stop whether we needed to and certainly not that we wanted to. But it’s what happens on our way to today.
In Christ, the commonness of our lives – the frailty, the beige, and regularness – becomes a vessel for displaying the great and out-of-the-ordinary power and glory of God.
How I handle anxiety
This has been a hard couple of weeks. I’ve felt sad, discouraged, even faint. I wish I could say I responded so perfectly, so calmly, so peacefully…but. I often found myself really low and doubtful. When you feel the anxiety – literally feel it like I do – where do you go for relief? When you know better but your feelings are overwhelming… When you find yourself spinning… What do you do? There’s something to be said about the habits we make. The priorities we set. The friends we surround ourselves with. That’s what has made all the difference. That why, tonight I can breathe and know that my faith is not anchored in feelings.
I looked at my calendar and felt the anxiety rising. But beyond the dates, the appointments, the past and the future the little boxes and numbers on my screen I knew. I knew that God had been there and would be there. So I breathed. These words snuck into my weary heart… Teach me. Teach me to number my days… So I might gain a heart of wisdom. That’s what I need. Peace, sure. Answers, that’d be nice. But wisdom. That’s what I really long for. And tonight I layed it down again – my burdens, my sadness, my will – and asked once again from the God who never shames or scolds – for wisdom.
Never Trade What You Don’t Know…
“Never trade what you don’t know for what you do know.” Thank you, Pastor Chuck for that reminder. You can’t make that trade if you’ve only got the truth overflowing from within you because you’ve filled yourself with God’s truth. You won’t make a bad trade in dark times if you’ve surrounded yourself with a bold church that will fight for you, hold you to a high calling, and protect you when you’re weak.
Get to a church that fills you with what you can know so when trials come, you only have the truth filling up your heart. You’re going to need it.
Easy, Creamy, Comforting Tomato Soup
Simple. Yummy. Comforting tomato soup! Make it today with ingredients you have on hand
I Made a Birthday Wish for Us
I made a birthday wish for me and for you as well…
I Don’t Really Trust God…or Do I?
When My Rights Make it Wrong
Ye, Me, and Thee…
I hated Kanye for his pride and foolishness. And while I was shaking my judgmental head like some arrogant Pharisee, I essentially walked around him and snubbed my petty, prideful heart as I looked down at him up there on stage. But, he may as well have been laying on the ground beaten and wounded…the thing is he was – like a man beaten on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho…
Undivided Devotion and the Trouble with Turtles
How a stressed mom and a simple request helped to reset our focus…
Dwelling Richly Bible Study
Is it OK to Send My Kids to Public School?
Maybe you’re thinking about your options today? Is it really ok to send your child to public school with all that is going on? It’s an important decision. Here’s my thoughts…
Why We Can Still Celebrate America
My prayer today is for each of us to not only connect and speak up for what is right – but to accept the ultimate bridge that was provided for every single one of us – the bridge that crosses the divide between God and man and that bridge is Jesus Christ.
Stop Spiritualizing Masks
The Idolatry of Hope
Hope is either hard to have or it’s hard to shake. We need it. We long for it. We feel it out there…but hope becomes an idol when we treat it as our focus. When the intangible idea out there of something that might happen becomes more important than the reality of what is. Hope becomes an addiction. We need another hit…so much so we abandon reason? We let go of self-control? We sacrifice discernment at the altar of hope?
A Filtered Life?
What if there were a filter that you could hold over your heart? What if instead of holding your phone in selfie mode you could hold it over yourself and see a perfected heart?
Is there Hope for True Unity?
Is there hope for unity in a world that is as fractured as ours?
Finding Yourself
…how changing our focus in this one area will make a huge difference in our faith and longing to be known…
15 Scriptures of Hope and Truth
Scriptures for when you need hope and truth. Download, save, and share…
The Resolution that Actually Works
Did one of these make your list? The top three new year’s resolutions this year are…1)Get Healthy (2) Save Money (3) Read more books and, tying for 4th…(4) Floss and Declutter.
Year after year, they’re the same. Resolutions are as old as mankind. In fact, the oldest Psalm in the Bible was written by Moses, and while flossing didn’t make his list, here’s what…
The Night that Changed Everything
After my amen and hugs from Mom and Dad I climbed up to the top bunk and crawled into bed. I tugged the blanket close up around my chin, nestled my head into my Snoopy pillow, and stared up to the glittery popcorn on the ceiling. I breathed slowly and deeply with my hand over my heart and wondered about what my heart was like now with
God’s Not Doing a New Thing for You
Such a great verse to quote, especially at the beginning of a new year. Is God really doing a new thing for you? Is that what the Bible says? What if the greatness of this super popular verse is even better than what you think…
An Invitation to Renew in 2022
Make the first and best decision of the new year be the one where you are purposeful in your relationship with the God who renews. Be with Him in prayer, worship, and reading His Word. Before your planner fills with appointments and vacation plans, kids’ schedules, and meetings – let those important things take a back seat to the most important thing – and find true renewal by finding it in Him.
Expectations Met
We’re all waiting for things to be right, relationships to be whole, bodies to be healed, peace to come on earth. Unlike any Christmas gift we could long for, the gift of Jesus Christ meets and exceeds all expectations. Consider that and thank Him for the true healing, hope, and peace that He brings to our expectant hearts.
Advent Devotional Worship
It’s Ok if You Feel Swallowed Up
…when you’re feeling overwhelmed, what can you do?
The Plan & the Plot
This message from Lesson Three of our study through Genesis will give you insight and encouragement through one of the most important passages in the Bible, Genesis 2:4-3:24. You can get the lesson handouts on the Dwelling Richly Bible study page and join that study today.
Thank you, Veterans
Not that Kind of Peace
Big Problems? Bigger God. Or is that just something other Christians believe?
90 Days Later
The Perfect Clam Chowder
A lot on my mind tonight…
Scratching Out the Days
Scratching out that zero for a “1” already? No? Just me? Mkay…Well, if you’re like me then maybe this post will resonate…
Maybe this Is the Year
I always get excited to read the Bible…and then…life, stress, schedules, ugh…but maybe this is the year…
Hidden Meaning in Numbers?
I keep seeing repeated numbers. A lot. Like every week…sometimes more than once a day numbers will line up, repeat, and appear together. Is there a hidden meaning in these numbers I keep seeing?
Are You Worried?
Get Vaccinated, or else!
The UC system is requiring all students, faculty, and staff be vaccinated or you cannot be a student or employee. Are you aware of the implications of this? You want an education? Get vaccinated. You want to be employed? Get vaccinated. But wait, there’s more…You want to…eat? buy food? get a driver’s license? insurance? a bank loan? to cross state lines? to fly internationally? — You. Will. Comply. Don’t think that could happen? Keep nursing that sugar-coated blue pill. Meanwhile, those pondering the red, read on…
Knee Jerk and Kneeling More
I did resist the urge to drive alongside him to see what kind of idiot drives like that…but man, I was so ticked! I could have been killed! But I wasn’t. I was fine, and when my pulse rate and temper started to calm down, my rational brain regained control.
Baking Bread
I’ve been wanting to do this for quite a long time. I even bought a nice bread lame and a couche, and they’ve sat patiently in my drawer waiting for me to get going. So today was the day! I finally got started. Making sourdough bread has definitely been on my bucket list of items to learn how to do… To enjoy the craft, and the process, and just the beautiful aroma in my kitchen… So the starter will take a week or so to get going and after that I will have some yummy adventures in the kitchen baking bread. Follow the journey. I’m going to need some taste testers along the way!
#bucketlist #sourdough #baking #dwellingrichly
Rhymes with Deer Bread
There’s a story behind the updated title of this recipe. you’ll have a good laugh over it. Meanwhile…this is one of those recipes you’ll end up knowing by heart and making sure you always have the ingredients on hand – along with good quality butter and honey. It’s quick, easy, and remarkably delicious. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does. I’ve worked on this recipe for a while and think it’s pretty close to perfect! Enjoy!
Letter to a Tired Friend
I just posted something I’ve been carrying in my heart for a while: “Letter to a Tired Friend,” and if you’ve been feeling worn down—emotionally, spiritually, or even physically—I hope you’ll take a moment to read it.
It’s not a list of tips.
It’s not a pep talk.
It’s just a gentle letter from someone who gets it.
You don’t have to do all the things.
You don’t have to keep saying yes out of guilt or fear.
And you certainly don’t have to hold it all together in Jesus’ name while falling apart inside.
This letter is an invitation back to rest. Not just physical rest—but that soul-deep, Scripture-rooted, heart-realigning rest that comes when we Shema—when we hear and respond to the God who’s already speaking.
If it encourages you, would you do something simple and kind?
Forward it to someone who might need it too.
That friend who’s always checking in on others. That woman who’s tired but still smiling. The one who rarely pauses to be still, even though she’s telling others to rest.
Let’s help each other return to the One who gives rest to the weary.
P.S. If you’re not subscribed to the blog yet, you can always catch up at or follow along on the Dwelling Richly Podcast.
The Beautiful Relief of Belonging to God
You don’t cry out to God because you’ve earned it. You cry out because He brought you in. Covenant, not merit, is your confidence—and your peace.
Why I Love St. Patrick’s Day
I do love St. Patrick’s day! It’s always captivated me.
As a child wearing green or else! Pinch! …the leprechauns…the rainbows and gold…the foods and the music…the playful fun of the day. But, there’s something more, and it changed me deeply…