Description: The “Acts: Seeds of the Gospel” is a deep dive into the book of Acts. You’ll grow in your faith and in your understanding of the beginnings of the church. This Bible study will give you focused and encouraging time in the Word.
Study Type: Group or Individual
Average Daily Time: 20-30 minutes, 5 days a week
Lessons: 13 lessons with 10 days of study in each lesson
Level: any
Cost: $35 (printed, includes shipping) / $15 Downloadable .pdf file
Includes: The complete Acts: Seeds of the Gospel study – Thirteen printable lessons designed to take 26 weeks. Each Lesson is organized into 10 days of engaging in the Word. Each day is organized to give you time to read, write, memorize, create with, and even share God’s Word. Access to online YouTube and Podcast teaching as well as daily lessons with Jennifer.
SAMPLE: See below
ORDERING: Right now, I’m taking orders via the contact form on this site. Soon (yay!) I’ll be set up to take orders directly with an easy click and pay online.
Thank you so much for your interest in this Dwelling Richly study. I am happy to answer any questions you have. Please click the Contact button below and let me know the name of the study you are interested in. I look forward to helping you “have fun and learn a ton” in God’s Word!